Parasite Prevention & Treatment for Dogs

All doggie owners dread it but unfortunately may eventually have to deal with it.
Dog Fleas and ticks are most certainly unwanted parasites that latch onto your dog’s coat and skin. Fleas will move from dog to dog whilst ticks are more commonly found in infested wildlife areas.
Allowing your dog to live with fleas or ticks can cause some serious damage.
Fleas can bring other issues such as Flea Allergy Dermatitis, Anaemia and/or Tapeworms. Ticks being left untreated will almost always lead to respiratory or heart failure. As they feed, they secret paralysis toxins. The longer they are present, the more serious danger your dog could be in.
Most fleas and ticks are found around the head or neck of your dog. This is because they are areas your dog cannot reach itself.
What do you need to look out for?
Flea symptoms include:
- Hair Loss
- Itching
- Scabs
- Tiny red dots
- Biting or chewing at the skin
It is also common to be able to see “flea dirt” on your dog.
Tick signs may include:
- Lumps on skin
- Limping
- Difficulty eating
- A weakness in respiratory muscles
Some ticks are big enough to be able to see whilst others are tiny. Generally, the longer they have been on your dog, the bigger they are likely to be.
There are 73 species in Australia – different ones can present different symptoms.
Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs
Fleas and ticks are more present during the summer months in Australia. You can take precautions by avoiding wildlife areas that are commonly infected.
There are products out there that can help too, such as sprays, shampoos and collars. Just ask your vet what your best option for your dog is!
What Flea and Tick treatment can you use?
Firstly, contact your vet if you are unsure of anything or need professional advice.
Discourage your dog from getting onto furniture and definitely do not let them sleep in your bed until you are certain to have removed any unwanted parasites.
For Flea removal, use a flea comb. Dip it into soap and water to kill the remaining fleas. It is easier to remove the bodies.
Don’t stop there though – Fleas may well still be in your household. Vacuum daily and deep clean your house to ensure those pests do not return.
Ticks can quickly lead to more serious issues so removal of them is vital as soon as possible.
Once you have located the tick/s, use gloves and tweezers to remove them. Grab the tick as close to your dog’s skin as possible and pull up in one motion, being careful not to break the body – it could get stuck in your dog’s skin. If using a tick removal tool, twist out rather than pull.
Clean the bite and check it often over the next few weeks.
If you notice any symptoms then contact your vet.
If any infections or diseases have risen, your dog may be administered antibiotics, antiserum or other flea and tick treatment for dogs.
Remember, professionals, are there to help. If you are unsure of how to spot signs, prevent or treat fleas or ticks, contact your vet for the best flea and tick treatment for dogs.
You can also contact us if you have any further questions – we are always happy to help! Just head on over to our Facebook page (Petz Park) where we are most easily contactable.