Dog Vomiting: Causes, Treatment and Related Symptoms

It’s natural to panic, especially if it’s the first time you’ve experienced this with your dog. But do try not to show that you are worried or panicked as this may stress your dog out even more and cause their symptoms to worsen.
It may be a completely normal reaction to your dog’s body trying to rid of anything harmful, in which case you don’t need to worry. However, it is important to know when to be concerned and what to look out for.

Before we get started, it is important to know the difference between vomiting and regurgitation.
Vomiting is when your dog’s abdominal muscles contract, forcing out the contents of their stomach. It typically comes from the top of their small intestine or their stomach. This is a more active action which results in the upbringing of slightly or fully digested food.
Regurgitation is seemingly effortless for your dog and doesn’t include contractions of the muscle. It is a passive motion, usually an upbringing of food from your dog’s oesophagus and remains whole and completely undigested.
What could possibly be causing your dog to vomit?
There are many common causes of dog vomiting that may be nothing to worry about.
Your dog may have simply eaten something or accidentally ingested some rubbish that their body is disagreeing with. Or perhaps they ate a little too much too fast and their stomach couldn’t quite handle it!
If it happens repeatedly after food intake, there could be something that you should consider changing in your dog’s diet. There may also be a possibility that they have an intolerance to something you’re feeding them. You can find this out by visiting your vet and using the process of elimination to work out what it is your dog is disagreeing with.
Foreign bodies such as bones, toys, etc can easily be swallowed by your dog. This could also be a reason for an upset stomach or a cause of vomiting. It is important to keep a close eye on your dog when out for walks or even in your own home just in case they decide to be that extra bit cheeky when exploring what goes into their mouths!
Occasional vomiting is not necessarily a cause for concern. If you notice that your dog keeps vomiting, the chances are that there is a more serious issue that you need to address.
Vomiting in puppies is a little bit different and should always be treated as an emergency. Their immune systems aren’t yet at full strength and so they are at an increased risk of contracting any diseases like parvo or parasites. Puppy vomiting should always be a cause for concern.
Some other issues can include but are not limited to:
- Parasites
- Kidney failure/Gall bladder/Pancreatitis
- Post operative nausea
- Toxic substances
- Viral infections
- Medications
- Bloating
- Heatstroke
- Car sickness
- Parvovirus
- Gastrointestinal (bacterial) infections
- Systemic disorders
Many diseases can be related to a compromised gut. Understanding how important gut health is we have formulated this 100% natural, certified organic Probiotic for dogs. It promotes digestion, gut flora and gut bacteria to help your dog feel its best.
What other dog vomiting symptoms should you be looking out for?
Be sure to double check how often your dog is vomiting. More frequency could mean more urgency. Look out for any blood in their vomit or any signs of abdominal pain too.
Perhaps your dog is experiencing dog vomiting and diarrhoea at the same time? You may also notice that they are showing a significant amount of weight loss as well. This could be related or as a result of a change in appetite.
Take note and check that your dog isn’t dehydrated. They may have an increase or a decrease in thirst. This, along with other symptoms, could make your dog more lethargic and lacking in energy.
If you are noticing any of the above, be sure to make a phone call to your vet as soon as possible. It is likely that they will recommend you to make an appointment and eliminate any serious problems.
They can run diagnostic tests such as blood samples, endoscopies, ultrasounds and biopsies. It is better to be safe than sorry!
What kinds of dog vomiting treatment is there?
A treatment for vomiting will vary depending on the diagnosis your dog has been given. It may be as simple as a change in your dog’s diet and like us when we are feeling under the weather, giving them some home comfort foods – ones that aren’t poisonous to your dog of course! You may be advised to increase your dog’s fluid intake to rehydrate them.
You may also be advised to give your dog antiemetic medicine (this is to control vomiting in dogs) or even antibiotics.
If your dog’s case if more severe, the appropriate treatment will be advised by your vet.
Always consult your vet and follow the advice that they give you. Simply reading from the internet will not necessarily correctly diagnose your dog or offer the most effective treatment.
There are however a few things that you can do to help your suffering dog as it is happening.
Withhold any food from them for a few hours –but never withhold water. Once the vomiting stops, only feed your dog low fat food and in small amounts. If your dog starts to vomit again, seek further advice.
Know that at Petz Park, we really care. We don’t want your dog to ever have to suffer so we highly encourage you to seek out professional advice if you have suspicions that your dog needs further help.
As always, we are easy to contact via Facebook (Petz Park). Connect with us and ask us any questions you may have. The team are more than happy to help you get your doggie back to full health again!